Finally finished the 5

Sooooooo, it took me more than a month to complete the five books from my list.  I have learnt a few things as well….

  1.  I don’t work well with a reading list ( i read two other books in between the five which would make it seven that i really read in the month; therefore in my estimation it would be best if i just stick to what i do – judge a book by its cover and just read it if it grabs me).
  2. I enjoy the process of choosing my next read without having to refer to a list
  3. I probably wont like the next book on the list because i want to switch genres (face-palm)
  4. And finally,  i will ignore the list and read something else until i feel like going back to the list….

Overall though, i think i enjoyed all the books i choose, even though i judge books by their covers.  Always looking forward to reading.

Slippery Vowels 2.psd

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